Project Lifesaver named “Wearable Angel”

Earlier today, Project Lifesaver was recognized by the website, “Wareable” as one of only six wearable devices designated a “Wearable Angel.”

“Wareable” is the only dedicated website to wearable technology. With wearable devices growing more popular, “Wareable” launched a “Save the Day Feature.” The feature identified specific devices that are legitimately saving lives and included actual stories of how each of these wearables have already saved lives.

Here is the Project Lifesaver story:

Project Lifesaver saves an autistic teen

In January 2017, caretakers discovered that a 19-year-old autistic teen had gone missing from home. They quickly contacted the Santa Barbara County Public Safety Dispatch to report the missing person.

Because the teen was wearing a Project Lifesaver wearable tracker, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s office was able to pinpoint his location and send out a search and rescue team to find him. They were able to find him swimming in a retention pond.

Project Lifesaver has made and developed wearable trackers for people with dementia, Alzheimer’s, autism and more since 1999. This is only the latest story of someone saved with one of its devices.


This particular rescue has been presented in many places since its occurrence in January, but what is wonderful is just how much it demonstrates the value of Project Lifesaver; it is a testament to the quality of a program over locating products. Because Project Lifesaver is a program, and not just wearable locating technology, this rescue was successful. The rescued teen had recognized the first responder who was there to help him since it was the same man that came to his home each month to perform required maintenance on his PLI transmitter. It was because the teen recognized and trusted his rescuer that the officers were able to help him to safety. It is an incredible rescue story!

It truly is an honor to be named as a “wearable angel,” but we do not do what we do for the recognition; we are here because we want to save lives and protect the most vulnerable in our communities. Our passion is safety, security, and protection.