Maintaining safe home security plays an important role for a family with an autistic family member. Most parents of children with autism face challenges that families with neurotypical children don’t usually encounter. Keeping a safe and friendly home environment is very important to prevent stress for everyone involved. A home security system is a great option for the home, whether you have an autistic family member or not. Research and discussion is the best way to find what would work best for your family.
While Project Lifesaver works to bring your loved one home if they wander, security within the home can help minimize injuries and accidents. For example, a lot of caregivers are working from home these days. Having a home security camera, such as CCTV, can help you in tracking your child within the home when you are not able to give 100% of your full attention. You can easily be alerted if your child opens a door to wander. Most home security cameras have a live video feature where you can watch your child using your smartphone. Additionally, some home security cameras have sensors. Placing sensors in your house in areas where you think a potential hazard can occur can help you protect your child. Once your child opens a door, knife drawer, or chemical cabinets, you will be immediately notified.
Using good locks and alarms is an important thing that you should consider in your home, especially if you have a child with ASD. It is recommended to place locks and alarms on your exterior doors and windows. That way, it can help in preventing your child from leaving or going outside your home. You can also activate the notification, so you can be notified if your child tries to open a potential exit route.
Raising any child can be stressful, challenging, and a big responsibility. Home security systems play an important role in protecting your child with ASD. You can overcome challenges with proper preparation and the right tools. Research is the best way to know what is right for your family. Online research guides like those found at can help you make the right decision.